For example, one of the side missions has you using a septic truck to devalue property throughout the city.

Saints Row takes it up a notch and goes completely silly and over the top with its story and its gameplay. Then came Saints Row 2 which blew away all suggestions that it is any way releated to GTA, as the GTA series flies within a more serious tone with its gameplay and stories. Volition broke ground in the open world GTA clone genre with a surprisingly fun game that quickly built up a fan base warranting a sequel. The original game at its core was a wannabe gangster title pitting the player against rival gangs fighting to control the streets of Stilwater. In order to understand our grief with the direction Saints Row is currently paddling down we must travel back to 2006 when the first Saints Row game hit the Xbox 360 and with it came high reviews. If the rumors are true and Deep Silver’s next game will be Saints Row 5, some things need to change in order to succeed or it risks becoming irrelevant. Since then Deep Silver has developed both Saints Row IV and Gat Out of Hell, but has the franchise strayed too far from its roots under Deep Silver’s roof? One of those said bidders was Deep Sliver, who had acquired the rights to one of THQ’s biggest franchises, Saints Row. Back when THQ went bankrupt and were forced to shut their door, their many projects and creations were auctioned and sold off to the highest bidder.